A school trip needs the best school hoodie

Embarking on a school trip is one of the most anticipated and exhilarating experiences for students. These adventures create lasting memories, forge new friendships, and bring lessons to life beyond the classroom walls.

To capture the essence of these unforgettable journeys, 'Graduation Hoodies' is delighted to introduce our special collection of hoodies for school trips in 2024. These hoodies are more than just a garment; they are a keepsake of the joyous and educational escapades experienced by the students.

Designed with the spirit of exploration in mind, our school trip hoodies for 2024 are the perfect companion for every adventure. Whether it's a historical tour, a science expedition, or an art retreat, these hoodies are tailored to reflect the theme and excitement of each trip. Available in various colours and designs, they can be customized with the trip's destination, school name, and the year, making them a unique and cherished memento of the student's journey.

As the students of Dublin set off on their educational travels, these hoodies will serve as a comfortable and stylish reminder of their experiences. They're not just a part of the wardrobe; they're a part of the story. Get ready to explore and learn in style with our specially crafted hoodies for school trips, a souvenir that students will treasure for years to come.

Have a look at some of our great 2024 designs

Visit our dedicated 6th Class hoodies page to see all of our designs


Design the perfect Gaelscoil Hoodie today


Its time to design your 6th Class Hoodie